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Nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office Confirms Devastating Impact of Republican Sabotage

By May 23, 2018No Comments

After the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office released a report detailing how Republican actions to sabotage health care will harm health care costs and force millions of Americans off their coverage, Protect Our Care Campaign Director Brad Woodhouse released the following statement:

“The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office just confirmed what Democrats and health care advocates have been warning about for months: Republican sabotage will force next year’s individual market premiums to spike by double digits and leave 3 million more Americans uninsured. According to today’s CBO estimate, average rates will jump 15% this fall, a number that’s on the low end of preliminary filings we’ve seen this month in Virginia, Maryland, Oregon and Vermont. And Republicans will have a hard time hiding from this: CBO says two-thirds of that 15% increase is specifically caused by the Republican tax bill’s repeal of the Affordable Care Act requirement for most people to have health insurance. We tried to warn President Trump and Congressional Republicans, but they refused to listen, and now it’s American families who will pay the price.”