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Protect Our Care Memo to Senators: Azar Must Answer for Trump Admin Sabotage

By January 8, 2018No Comments

Ahead of tomorrow’s Senate Finance confirmation hearing for HHS nominee Alex Azar, Protect Our Care Campaign Director Brad Woodhouse sent a memo to Finance Committee Senators outlining questions Americans deserve answered about the Trump Administration’s war on our health care, and released the following statement:

“During tomorrow’s confirmation hearing, Americans deserve to find out whether Alex Azar would keep pushing the Trump Administration’s anti-health care agenda if confirmed,” said Woodhouse. “Given Azar’s anti-consumer track record as a Big Pharma lobbyist, he needs to assure the millions of people who have already signed up for 2018 HealthCare.Gov plans that, as Secretary, he would end the Trump Administration’s ongoing sabotage efforts and start giving insurers the stability they need in order to set affordable rates. In addition, Americans deserve assurances from Azar that he would end Republicans’ attempts to weaken Medicaid and deny women access to copay-free birth control. If Azar fails to signal an end to the Trump Administration’s sabotage or refuses to promise that he will faithfully administer the law of the land, the Affordable Care Act, then Senators should reject his nomination.”