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Protect Our Care Responds to President Trump’s Speech on Surprise Medical Bills

Washington, DC — This morning, President Trump delivered a speech on surprise medical billing, and while bipartisan support exists for protecting people from this phenomenon, Trump’s continued war on health care, and especially his push to sell junk insurance plans that also leave patients with outrageous medical bills and crappy coverage make his words today on this issue exceedingly hypocritical. In response, Protect Our Care executive director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement in response;

“Surprise medical billing is a serious issue for patients navigating our health care system, and the Trump administration’s mission to wreak havoc on American health care has made the problem even worse. This administration’s continued promotion of junk plans and support for the disastrous Texas lawsuit to rip away peoples’ coverage make the words in the president’s speech today ring hollow. If President Trump actually cared about Americans’ health care, he will withdraw from the Texas lawsuit, disavow junk plans, and end the relentless sabotage he has inflicted on our system.”