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RECORD LOWS: Trump’s Approval Plummets as Americans Reject His Leadership, Nation Nears 2 Million Coronavirus Cases and 21 Million Are Unemployed

New national polling makes clear that the majority of Americans are rejecting President Trump’s leadership as the coronavirus crisis shows no signs of stopping and nationwide protests highlight his failure to bring the country together. With over 100,000 Americans dead, 21 million still unemployed and the country on track to hit 2 million coronavirus cases this week, Americans are fed up with Trump’s chaotic response to this crisis and disastrous presidency.

Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll: “55% of voters disapproved of Trump’s handling of the virus, up from 52% in April and 51% in March.”

CNN Poll: “Overall 38% approve of the way Trump is handling the presidency, while 57% disapprove…Biden also outpaces Trump overall on handling coronavirus (55% to 41%), and on leading the nation in times of crisis (55% to 41%).”

ABC News/Ipsos Poll: “Trump’s approval for his stewardship over the nation’s response to the outbreak remains at a record low 39%. Six in 10 Americans disapprove of the president’s handling of the virus.”