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Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux to Highlight How Historic Health Care Investments, Including Medicaid Saves Lives Act, in Democrats’ Budget Legislation Will Impact Georgians

By September 29, 2021No Comments


Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux to Highlight How Historic Health Care Investments, Including Medicaid Saves Lives Act, in Democrats’ Budget Legislation Will Impact Georgians 

Atlanta, GA — On Wednesday, September 29, 2:30 PM ET, U.S. Representative Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-GA-07) and local advocates will join Protect Our Care Georgia for a virtual press conference to highlight how Medicaid Saves Lives Act and other healthcare provisions will lower costs and expand access to health care in Georgia and across the country. 

Expanding access to quality, affordable health care has never been more critical. The pandemic has laid bare the high costs and alarming inequities in our health care system, and it has demonstrated that health care must be a right, not a privilege. President Biden and Democrats in Congress are fighting to make this a reality in Georgia, by working to include historic health care provisions, such as Medicaid Saves Lives Act, in their budget reconciliation legislation.

President Biden’s Build Back Better proposal includes driving down prescription drug prices, expanding Medicare benefits to include vision, dental, and hearing, closing the Medicaid coverage gap, and dramatically lowering the cost of health insurance for millions.


U.S. Representative Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-GA-07)
Amy Bielawski, Small Business Majority
Elaine Shelly, Atlanta writer, teacher living with MS
Harry Heiman, MD, MPH, board member, Georgians for a Healthy Future
Leonard Lichtenfeld, MD, MACP, Atlanta-based oncologist and internist 

WHAT: Virtual Press Conference to Highlight Lifesaving Health Care Legislation

WHERE: Register for the Event Here

WHEN: Wednesday, September 29 at 2:30 PM ET