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Senator Angus King and Protect Our Care Discuss Critical Importance of Medicaid for Rural Communities During the Coronavirus Crisis

By April 20, 2020No Comments

Senator King, Protect Our Care and Maine Nurse Practitioner Discuss Crucial Role Medicaid Plays in Ensuring Rural Americans Have Access to Care During This Crisis 

Call Audio Available Here

Washington, DC — On a press call today, Senator Angus King (I-ME) along with State Rep. Anne Perry (D-Calais, ME) and Protect Our Care discussed the overwhelming benefits of Medicaid for rural communities’ access to health care as America confronts the coronavirus crisis. April is Medicaid Awareness Month, and there has never been a more important time to highlight how Medicaid is a lifeline for rural Americans in Maine and across the country who are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus pandemic due to higher rates of uninsurance and barriers to coverage and care. Despite Medicaid’s overwhelming benefits to rural communities, the program is under constant attack from the Trump administration and Republicans who’ve waged a years-long war against it. Protect Our Care also published a new report on the importance of Medicaid for rural hospitals and rural communities when getting people access to affordable care during this crisis. 

Read Protect Our Care’s report here: Rural America in the Balance: Medicaid, Coronavirus & Rural Hospitals

“The impacts of coronavirus – including the costs of preparation and loss of expected revenue – are hitting our rural health care providers hard, many of whom were already facing challenges,” said Senator King. “These hospitals are cornerstones of rural communities across Maine, providing not only jobs but also peace of mind that, in the event of an emergency, someone is there to help. We need to make sure that these providers are able to continue to serve rural Maine communities, both during this crisis and after it’s over.”

“Medicaid is a lifeline for Americans in rural communities and its importance has never been clearer as rural America struggles with the spread of coronavirus,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “We are thankful to have leaders in the Senate like Senator King who are fighting on behalf of America’s rural communities during this crisis and recognize the importance of Medicaid when it comes to our efforts to get rural Americans access to the care they need.”