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Senator Bill Cassidy Won’t Stop Trying to Repeal Health Care

By May 29, 2018No Comments

After Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA), one of the chief architects of last year’s failed Senate Republican health repeal push, released a document urging Republicans to revisit Affordable Care Act sabotage and Medicaid cuts, Protect Our Care Campaign Director Brad Woodhouse released the following statement:

“Senator Bill Cassidy, who infamously lied to Jimmy Kimmel last year about how his bill would hurt people with pre-existing conditions, is back with yet another plan that would force sick people to lose their coverage. His new proposal to sabotage the Affordable Care Act and cut Medicaid comes as Americans are already blaming Republicans for skyrocketing premiums. Cassidy wants to finalize the Trump Administration’s junk plan proposal to stick millions of Americans with skimpy plans that can discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions, refuse to cover essential services like hospitalization or prescription drugs and stick unsuspecting patients with enormous medical bills. Today’s proposal adds to a growing drumbeat of Republicans who are desperate to pass a health care repeal bill ahead of the November elections, even though Americans across the political spectrum overwhelmingly oppose their agenda and all they have to offer are reheated leftovers from last year’s mess.”