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Protect Our Care White House Display Tells Trump “Hands Off Medicaid”

Washington, D.C. – Tonight Donald Trump addressed a joint session of Congress to outline his priorities. During his speech, he boasted about his plan to give tax breaks to his billionaire friends, but he failed to mention that this is funded by ripping health care away from millions of families. 

In response, Protect Our Care President Brad Woodhouse issued a statement:

“Donald Trump can try to run from his war on American health care but he can’t hide from it. He knows his plan to cut nearly $1 trillion from Medicaid is so deeply unpopular that he would rather sweep it under the rug and not mention it at all. While people are struggling to pay their bills, he wants to raise the cost of health care and take away coverage that millions of people count on. Trump is breaking the promises he made to the American people just to provide his billionaire friends with tax cuts.”