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Capitol Hill

The Fight Isn’t Over: If Joe Manchin Really Cares About Lowering Drug Costs for the People of West Virginia, He Will Do the Right Thing and Pass the Build Back Better Act

By December 19, 2021No Comments

Washington, D.C.– Today, after months of negotiation, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) indicated that he now opposes the Build Back Better Act. If Senator Manchin fails to support the Build Back Better Act, he is fighting against lower drug prices, lower health care costs, and improved care for millions of seniors and working families. In response, Protect Our Care Chair Leslie Dach issued the following statement: 

“Senator Manchin has long said he wants to give Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices for American families, but he just went on Fox News and said he’d oppose the bill that does exactly that. It’s outrageous. Build Back Better drives down prescription drug prices, caps insulin costs, lowers health insurance premiums, and expands coverage to millions of Americans. For people like Mindy Salango, a type 1 diabetic from Morgantown, the Build Back Better Act would mean sleeping easier knowing she will be able to afford the insulin she needs to stay alive. Joe Manchin cannot turn his back on families who are depending on this relief.

“The fight isn’t over. President Biden said he is committed to helping Americans with their child care, health care, prescription drug costs, and elder care—and combating climate change. The fight for Build Back Better is too important to give up.”