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Trump Administration and Republican AGs Put Politically Motivated Lawsuit to Rip Health Care From Millions of Americans on Full Display in SCOTUS Briefs Being Filed Today

By June 25, 2020No Comments

Washington, DC – Today, the Trump administration and Republican attorneys general are filing their briefs with the Supreme Court in support of California v. Texas, the lawsuit seeking to strike down the ACA in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. In the brief already filed by Republican AGs, they advocated for ripping health care from more than 20 million Americans, protections for 135 million American with pre-existing conditions and raising costs across the board — all in the midst of a public health crisis. The Trump administration is expected to file a similar brief later today. Voters overwhelmingly reject this lawsuit and do not support President Trump and his Republican allies’ attempts to repeal the ACA. In response to the briefs being filed today, Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse issued the following statement:

“President Trump and Republicans are making clear that even in the worst health crisis in a generation they are still hellbent on taking away your health care. The briefs being filed today put the Trump administration and Republicans’ politically motivated lawsuit on full display in front of the highest court as they make crystal clear their intention to rip health care from 20 million Americans and protections for 135 million with pre-existing conditions. The court should strike down this disastrous lawsuit that would devastate Americans’ health care at a time when they need it most. Americans understand exactly how dangerous and irresponsible this lawsuit is, especially as the coronavirus crisis continues to devastate the country and the health of millions of Americans continues to be at imminent risk.”


If the Affordable Care Act is struck down:

  • GONE: Protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. The uninsured rate will increase by 65 percent. 
  • GONE: Medicaid expansion, which covers 17 million people. 
  • GONE: Nearly 12 million seniors will have to pay more for prescription drugs because the Medicare ‘donut hole’ will be reopened.
  • GONE: 2.3 million adult children will no longer be able to stay on their parents’ insurance.
  • GONE: Insurance companies will be able to charge women 50 percent more than men.
  • GONE: Financial assistance that helps 9 million people purchase health care in the marketplace.
  • GONE: Key support for rural hospitals. As Americans lose coverage, already struggling hospitals will be hit even harder as their costs increase.
  • GONE: Ban on insurance companies having lifetime caps on coverage.
  • GONE: Requirements that insurance companies cover prescription drugs and maternity care.

For more information on the impact of the Texas lawsuit, click here.