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Trump’s Rally in Michigan Tonight Overshadowed by His Attempt To Sabotage Health Care and Strip Coverage From 720,000 Michiganders

By March 28, 2019No Comments

Washington, DC — As President Trump heads Michigan tonight for a rally, his visit is overshadowed by a brutal week of coverage of his support for dismantling the entire health care system as members of his own party slam his reckless attempt to strip health care from millions of Americans. In response to tonight’s rally, Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach released the following statement:

“No amount of lies from President Trump tonight will erase the fact that he’s hell bent on ripping health care away from millions of Americans, including over 720,000 Michiganders who would lose coverage if his lawsuit is successful. While Democrats were busy passing bills this week to improve the nation’s health care system, President Trump doubled down on his health care sabotage efforts, making clear he supports stripping health care from over 20 million Americans. Trump is trying to change the subject, but voters know that he’s stripping away their health care while Democrats are making good on their promise to save it.”


Fact Sheet: Health Care In Michigan

Michigan Quick Facts

Impact of the Affordable Care Act In Michigan

As Republicans in Congress and the Trump administration continue to try to repeal and sabotage the Affordable Care Act, more people are learning that the law is working for them, which may be why the law is now more popular than ever.

Here is how the Affordable Care Act is working in Michigan.

618,000 Michiganders Gained Health Coverage. Because of the ACA, 618,000 Michiganders gained health coverage.

Insurers can no longer deny or drop coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Because of the ACA, insurers in the individual market can no longer drop or deny coverage, or charge you more, because of a pre-existing condition. Roughly 4,110,300 Michiganders have a pre-existing health condition.

Women no longer charged more than men. Because of the ACA, insurers can no longer charge women more than men for the same care.

Ended annual and lifetime limits. Because of the ACA, insurers can no longer put annual or lifetime limits on the care you receive.

Young adults can stay on their parents plan until age 26. Because of the ACA, roughly 73,000 young adults in Michigan have coverage because they can stay on their parents coverage until age 26.

Allowed states to expand Medicaid. Because of the ACA, states can get additional federal money to expand Medicaid. 688,300 Michiganders have coverage because of this program.

Free preventive care. Because of the ACA, health plans must cover preventive services — like flu shots, cancer screenings, contraception, and mammograms – at no cost to consumers. This includes nearly 4,543,547 Michiganders, most of whom have employer coverage.

Comprehensive Coverage. Because of the ACA, insurers have to cover what are known as “essential health benefits,” such as maternity care, prescription drugs, and substance and mental health.

Tax credits are available to help people afford coverage. Because of the ACA, most people getting coverage on the marketplace qualify for tax credits to help pay for coverage.

Helping seniors afford prescription drugs. Because of the ACA, the Medicare prescription drug donut hole is closed. As a result, 203,864 Michigan seniors are saving $266.5 million on drugs in 2017, an average of $1,307 per beneficiary.