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U.S. Senator Mike Crapo Rushes to Confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court, Refuses to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

By October 12, 2020No Comments

Judiciary Committee member U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) has made his opposition to the Affordable Care Act crystal clear by voting time and again to repeal the health care law and by supporting California v. Texas, the Trump administration’s lawsuit to completely dismantle the health care law. If successful, the lawsuit would throw our entire health care system into chaos by ripping away health care from more than 20 million Americans and ending protections for more than 135 million people with pre-existing conditions, all in the middle of an ever-worsening pandemic. Senate Republicans are rushing to confirm anti-ACA Judge Amy Coney Barrett in hopes she will help them accomplish their decade-long goal of eliminating the law — and the protections it provides for Americans — when the Supreme Court hears oral arguments in California v. Texas one week after the election. 

What’s At Stake If The Supreme Court Overturns The ACA

If Trump’s lawsuit to overturn the ACA is successful, 99,000 Idahoans would lose coverage. 

Without the ACA, 693,400 Idahoans with pre-existing conditions could be charged more or denied coverage altogether. 

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Senator Crapo And The ACA

Crapo has voted FIVE TIMES to fully repeal the ACA.

Crapo: “Mike Crapo Opposes Obama’s Health Plan And Is Fighting For Its Repeal.” “Mike Crapo opposes Obama’s heath care plan and is fighting for its repeal and replacement. He has co-sponsored and advocated for legislation to fully repeal Obamacare. As a two-time cancer survivor, Mike knows that patients, families and doctors need to be free of excessive government interference so they can have power over their personal healthcare choices.” [Crapo for US Senate, accessed 10/11/20] 

2015: Crapo Sponsored Legislation To “Fully Repeal Obamacare.” “Idaho Senator Mike Crapo, a long-time critic of the President’s health care law, has joined a coalition of senators led by Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to introduce legislation to fully repeal Obamacare, officially known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and released the following statement: ‘Millions of Americans, including thousands of Idahoans, have been pushed from their health insurance plans and preferred doctors by this Administration’s signature piece of legislation, despite the President’s repeated pledge to the contrary,” said Crapo. “Americans have seen their taxes increase and felt the pinch of the rising out-of-pocket expenses as a result of Obamacare. Each day seems to bring another piece of bad news regarding the expenses on Obamacare. The law has proven itself unworkable, doubling-down on policies that fail to address the root cause of the soaring costs of health care and inefficiencies in the system. We must move away from the ill-conceived notion that government bureaucracy is the answer to our broken health care system and, instead, turn to real reforms that will result in truly affordable health care as well as improved access to quality care that Americans want and deserve without the failures that are inherent in Obamacare.’ Crapo voted against passage of Obamacare in 2009 when it was being considered in the U.S. Senate, and has since sought to fully repeal, defund and scale back harmful provisions contained in the law.” [Sen. Mike Crapo Press Release, 2/3/15